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All Canadians
A Journey To The Westward
We must leave Roncesvalles and La Gloire awhile, and, instead of riding a war horse, canter along upon the hobby, or a good serviceable Canadian pony, the best of all hobbies for seeing the Canadian world, and on which mettlesome charger we can much be...
Barrie And Big Trees A New Capital Of A New District—nature's Canal The Devil's Elbow—macadamization And Mud—richmond Hill
We reached Barrie safely that night, and slept at the Queen's Arms. Next morning, I had an excellent opportunity of seeing this thriving village. It is very well situated on the shore of Kempenfeldt Bay, on ground rising gradually to a considerable ...
Emigrants And Immigration
Very surprising it seems to assert that the Mother Country knows very little about the finest colony which she possesses—and that an enlightened people emigrate from sober, speculative England, sedate and calculating Scotland, and trusting, unreflect...
Penetanguishene The Nipissang Cannibals And A Friendly Brother In The Wilderness
Penetanguishene, pronounced by the Indians Pen-et-awn-gu-shene, the Bay of the White Rolling Sand, is a magnificent harbour, about three miles in length, narrow and land-locked completely by hills on each side. Here is always a steam-vessel of war, of ...
The Emigrant And His Prospects
Those who really wish Canada well desire it to become a second Britain, and not a mere second Texas. Those who wish it evil, and these comprise the restless, unprovided race of politicians under whose incessant agitation Canada has so long groaned, des...
The French Canadian
At Penetanguishene you see the original pioneer of the West, that unmistakeable French Canadian, a good-natured, indolent man, who is never active but in his canoe singing, or à la chasse, a true voyageur, of which type of human society the marks are ...
The Great Fresh-water Seas Of Canada
A sentimental journey in Canada is not like Sterne's, all about corking-pins and remises, monks and Marias, nor is it likely, in this utilitarian age, even if Sterne could be revived to write it, to be as immortal; nevertheless, let us ramble. The W...
The Old Canadian Coach—jonathan And John Bull Passengers
I can make no stay at Niagara for the present; but, after resting awhile at Howard's Inn, which is the most respectable one in the town, proceed in his coach to Queenston. The old Canadian coach has not yet quite vanished before modern improvement...
Toronto And The Transit
Behold us again in Toronto at Macdonald's Hotel; and, as we shall have to visit this rising city frequently, we shall say very little more about it at present, but embark as speedily as possible on board the Transit, and steam over to Niagara. The T...
Most Viewed
Barrie And Big Trees A New Capital Of A New District—nature's Canal The Devil's Elbow—macadamization And Mud—richmond Hill
Emigrants And Immigration
A Journey To The Westward
The Great Fresh-water Seas Of Canada
Penetanguishene The Nipissang Cannibals And A Friendly Brother In The Wilderness
The Emigrant And His Prospects
The French Canadian
Toronto And The Transit
Least Viewed
The Old Canadian Coach—jonathan And John Bull Passengers
Toronto And The Transit
The French Canadian
The Emigrant And His Prospects
Penetanguishene The Nipissang Cannibals And A Friendly Brother In The Wilderness
The Great Fresh-water Seas Of Canada
A Journey To The Westward
Emigrants And Immigration